Saturday, October 27, 2012

Freedom to Be Bold

As Americans we know that we are free.  We even sing: "I'm proud to be an American because at least I know I'm free."  We are free to vote.  We are free to travel.  We have free speech and freedom of religion. We are free to buy what ever we want.  We are free to do whatever work we are hired to do.  I can go on and on. 

But are we really free?  When Jesus speaks to a group of fellow Jews about discipleship they are confused by his words because, like us, the Jews felt they were free.  Jesus said "if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free (John 8:31-32)." They say that they have never been slaves to anyone.  Since the exodus, when Moses led them out of slavery into freedom, they have always been free. 

Jesus explains himself quite well.  "Very truly, I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin."  We don't have to be under the thumb of tyrants in order to be slaves.  We are slaves because of the sin we commit. 

There is a lot of ways of looking at this.  When hundreds line up for days to be the first to own an iPhone 5, that's an example of slavery. 

When a woman says "yes" to her neighbor, and "yes" to her sister, and "yes" to her co-worker, and "yes" to her kids... only to collapse late at night in anger and resentment: that's slavery. 

When a man refuses to call his dad on his birthday and will not speak to his ex-wife and considers his step-son dead to him: that is slavery. 

When a woman hoards her money, food and possessions to the point it squeezes out the rest of her loved ones: that is slavery.

When people remain stuck in patterns of destructive behavior for months and years and simply cannot make the bold step to become healthy: that's slavery.  All of these forms of slavery are alive and well; even right here in the United States. 

Sin enslaves us.  Fear enslaves us.  They prevent us from knowing and living the true freedom we have been given through the gospel of Christ.  And honestly... fear is at the bottom of every one of the forms of slavery I mentioned above.

Knowing the truth about Jesus is knowing that fear does not control us.  We don't have to have the latest thing, we don't have to be people pleasers, we don't have to hold those angry grudges, we don't have to self-medicate the pain, we don't have to think of ourselves as less because Jesus our Lord has though the world of every single one of us.  He died on the cross to set us free from sin and set us free from fear.

Knowing this truth is only part of the battle.  Don't just know that you are free; do something about it.  You live out your faith in truth by boldly throwing that fear in the wastebasket given to you through Christ.  Instead of hoarding you give generously out of gratitude and joy.  Instead of holding on to grudges and hate, you reach out to people, even when they are nasty.  Instead of pleasing people you are free to stand on your principles and values.  Some of the greatest heroes in the history of the world lived in the light of Christian freedom... and not because they had the Bill of Rights to back them up.

Martin Luther said "no" the doctrine of salvation through works and indulgences and yes to translating the Bible into a language that people could understand.  He didn't have the right do that, except under the shadow of the cross.

Abraham Lincoln said "no" to the idea that people could be property.  He easily could have been enslaved himself in the chains of public opinion, but instead he boldly stood on his principles and changed our nation forever.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer a pastor in Nazi Germany said "no" the requirements of the Reich's Church.  He had no right to say "no" to Hitler, but he did and he still remains an example of Christian freedom in action, even in the face the death.

Great men and great women have known the truth and have lived the truth.  Christ has made you great as well.  Boldly live our your faith for the cross has shattered the chains of sin and fear.  The acts of living faith: service and generosity, devotion and justice are yours.   "If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36)."


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