I was reading from Hebrews 6 today. The author gives this advice: "So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don't need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God (Heb 6:1)."
I know where the author is coming from. Can't we stop talking over and over about the basics? Do we need to say "Jesus loves you" again and again? Do we have to stick to the mantra of believing in Jesus... repenting your sins... living your faith... week after week, month after month? Can't we just do it without the reminders? Can't we just love our neighbor without thinking about it, just as we blink without thinking about it?
Hmmmmm... We are all sinners, though. Every day we face an inner conflict between what God is calling us to do through the Spirit and what our human nature is calling us to do. Paul describes that reality so well in Romans 7. Daily we need to repent of our sin and receive the free gift of forgiveness given to us in baptism. Yeah this is basic stuff, but even the most mature Christian must face these questions and issues all the time.
Faithful people never get beyond the basics. They struggle with them every day. Oh sure, our faith does mature. Prayer is a good example of that. A five-year-old is taught to fold his hands and say "Now I lay me..." This is a perfectly good way to pray. But a Christian who's faith has matured understands that prayer can be done in silence, in crowds, with hands in the air, or hands by your side. A mature Christian knows that in its essence prayer is understanding that you are in communication with God always. That's what Paul means by saying "pray without ceasing" in 1 Thessalonians.
A five-year-old might not understand such "mature" concepts so prays the same prayers at the same times. Why? Because Mommy said so! Unfortunately too many Christians never grow up in their understanding of faith. I am convinced that millions of Christian men do not pray regularly because they think they have to pray like they did when they were five. And quite honestly a grown man should not have to pray "Now I lay me..." A Christian who's faith has matured understands that spirituality is far more powerful and amazing than the Romper Room pictures we may have been taught as a kindergartner.
So yes we need to grow up. Yes it is a blessing when our faith matures. But will we ever be able to skip the basics? Not until Christ writes his Word in our hearts completely and reveals to us all the mysteries of God.
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