Here I Am
What does it mean to be called? When someone calls you on a telephone they want to talk you. You either answer the phone or you let it ring.
God might not use a telephone, but he does call people. In the Old Testament the boy Samuel was called by God. He answered the call even though he didn't know who was on the other line. He thinks its the priest Eli, his caretaker, calling him. "Here I am!" Samuel diligently responds. He does'nt know it is God.
It took the maturity of Eli to understand who was calling Samuel. Through Eli's guidance Samuel proclaims to the Lord "Speak, for your servant is listening." But it took the innocence and naivete of Samuel to blindly answer God's call.
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke Jesus instructs his disciples to allow little children to come to him. "Let the little children come to me, do not stop them, for it is to such as these that God's kingdom belongs." We can learn from the faith of Samuel and other children who blindly accept God as Father and Jesus as Lord. Eli understands it is God calling, but he does not understand how to live faith. Samuel, on the other hand, simply responds "Here I am."
Some days I'm like Eli. But I pray for the simple faith of Samuel which allows God to lead and me to follow.
Here I am.
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