I'm a fan of Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life." True, I don't agree with all his theology. Yes, it's hard for me to get past Warren's scare tactics of the first few chapters ("days") that talk about standing before God at the "final exam" before entering eternity. But I got beyond those issues because Warren's book has shown millions of people that faith in Jesus Christ is worth living, and by living it you find a purpose that is greater than the "live for the moment, live for yourself" message of society. The book is excellent.
Then yesterday I came upon a website called "The Porpoise Diving Life" while googling for something completely unrelated. I asked myself, is this website the equivalent of "The Onion" or the "Daily Show" satire? Is it a joke? No, not really. Actually its a site with content by Bill Dahl that is a sincere effort to reach out to people who are looking to go beyond Warren's 40 days.
Dahl is part of the "Emerging Church" movement that's growing in the United States. In a nation with thousands and thousands of churches there are too many people who are turned off by the sloth of mainline denominations and the consumerism of some mega-church evangelicals. Those who call themselves part of the emerging church function outside of church structures and inside the media of this 21st century world: especially through the internet and blogs.
I must admit that I'm not necessarily on line with the emerging church movement, but I admire their mission and the fruit they seem to be bearing for Christ. The body of Christ includes all believers in Christ. If mainline denominations are missing people... if evangelicals are sometimes off track... if people feel left out... then their must be an "emerging church" for the rest. Christ will not leave any of his children out. I hope to learn more about the "emerging church" in the coming months.