Saturday, January 12, 2013

All Showered and Ready to Go

Curtis blew it.  Things have been tense in his marriage for a while and  Samantha warned him to be ready by 6:30.  Their only daughter, Hannah, is four years old and has been deaf since birth.  Tonight was their sign-language class with her and they couldn't be late.  Curtis had every intention of being good and ready.  He didn't want to let Hannah or Sam down.  But Curtis blew it.

Curtis works for ComEd and things got really hectic out on the lines.  The rain was just not letting up and he had to get those repairs done.  By the end of the day he was pooped... and he stank... and he pulled into the driveway... at 6:22!  He completely forgot the class.  Sam said "get in the car."  But Curtis stank bad.  He wanted to get a quick shower.  Between apologizing to Sam, he begged her to let him get a quick shower.  But no... they had to go.  With his head down, dejected, Curtis got in passenger seat and off the three of them went.

There were about fifty others at the class that night... all sitting in rows... listening closely to the instructor before they would break up into the groups to practice the signs with their kids.  Curtis was the only one with mud all over his shoes.  Curtis was the only one who smelled like that.  He felt shame, and anger at Sam... then a little more shame and finally sadness for Hannah as he looked into her sweet eyes.  Curtis blew it.

If only Curtis would have gotten home a little sooner.  I mean how long does a quick shower take?  For a guy... three minutes tops... and dried off and dressed and ready to go in less than ten.  Curtis needed a shower bad.  Thankfully, someone took a bath for him a long time ago: Jesus.

The most famous bath in the history of the world occurred when Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan.  The Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove.  A voice claimed Jesus as his own: "You are my son, the beloved, with you I am well pleased (Luke 3:22)."  Curtis was baptized too, when he was a baby.  Now a good shower would have been quite a gift for him that day before the sign-language class, but his most important bath actually occurred that day he was baptized.  He was given the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was when he was baptized. Curtis was claimed as God's child as well.  "I have called you by name. You are mine (Isaiah 43:1)."

Curtis learned the hard way just how important a shower can be.  When you make time for a quick shower you are then ready for anything.  All that dirt and grim go right down the drain.  The stink disappears.  Those who live by faith and live daily in the reality of their baptism are ready for anything too.  It's been called living wet: living the reality that because we are baptized God has forgiven our sin and has prepared us to live this day... this moment... in righteousness and purity.

When we forget the grace of our baptism the stick of sin remains with us and grips us like the dirt on Curtis' shoes.  It's a real tragedy too, because remembering your baptism is so easy.  Being centered in prayer or in the Word and "bang" you're there: you remember that amazing grace.  Your sins are forgiven so you may arise and live now before God in righteousness and purity.

That night at the school Curtis wasn't ready to arise and stand before anyone: not the other parents and kids, not the instructor and certainly not in front of Sam and Hannah.  Yes it was a long day... and he had excellent excuses... but in the end the feelings of anger, shame and sadness were what he was left with.  We're talking more than dirt and body odor here... when we start talking about anger and shame we are getting to the filth that sticks to us deep in our soul.  Think about it this way: when Curtis, or any one of us, gets so busy that we forget about grace and the love and forgiveness given in baptism, the stink of sin holds on to us.  Because we blow it, over and over again, we need to remember our baptism.

In baptism you are one with Jesus and receive the same gifts our Lord received in the Jordan.  "I have called you by name. You are mine."  You belong to the Lord.  The stink of sin has been washed away.  Feelings of shame, anger and sadness don't control you any more.  In Christ you are all showered and ready to go.  Now live "wet" before God in righteousness and purity forever.

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