I've never been a big fan of Easter in March. Something just doesn't seem right about it. The weather is too cold. The world still seems dark. It moves Lent up too early. I'm never ready for Easter in March.
This year's Easter is the earliest it has been since 1913. And the next time we have Easter on March 23 or earlier will be in 2228. That's right... 2
228. Not 2028... Twenty-TWO, twenty-eight!!! Easter is so early this year that the SECOND Sunday of Easter will also be in March. I'm not ready for this.
I bet the first Easter was in March. After all in John's telling of Jesus' Passion Peter warms up at a charcoal fire during the night while Jesus is on trial. Do they have many cold evenings in Jerusalem in April? But the clincher for me that Jesus must have been resurrected in March is the fact that no one is ready for it.
In Matthew's Gospel Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph come to Jesus' tomb the morning after the Sabbath unprepared for what they were going to see. This despite the fact that Jesus foretold his crucifixion and resurrection to his followers. The guards are not prepared either. A good solder is ready for anything... but they sure were not ready for the earth to quake and for an angel to descend from heaven to roll away the stone of the very tomb they were guarding. They were not ready for that. Frozen in fear all the guards could do was shake a little.
Of course these aren't the only people who were not ready for the angel's message. Where are the Twelve? Where are the people who heard the Sermon on the Mount? Where are the 5000 he fed? No one is ready to hear the news that "[Jesus] is not here, for he has been raised (Matthew 28:6)."
And then when Jesus just suddenly appears to Mary and Mary saying "Greetings." Oh boy! They dropped to their knees and worshiped him. Can you imagine? You go to the tomb looking to see a dead body and you end up being greeted by him. And what does Jesus say? Essentially he is saying: "Good morning. Nice to see you. How ya doing?" They weren't ready for that. It must have been March.
So are you ready for Easter... or is it too early? Did you know you were going to be greeted by Jesus this morning? "Hey there. How are you doing? What a beautiful March morning! I need you to do something." Ahh... Jesus wants us to do something. Matthew says that Jesus wanted Mary and Mary to tell his disciples what happened and that he would meet them. And you know, Jesus is still calling his followers to tell others about the good news.
I can hear Jesus calling you right now: "I want you do something for me. Tell people about my resurrection. Tell them about the hope it brings to the world. Tell them that I love them and that their loved ones will live again."
Ahhhh but it's early isn't it? You're not ready for this. You weren't expecting a call to come with your good news and marshmallow Peeps this morning. But here it is, right in your lap. Maybe next week you say? I know what you're thinking: How about next year when things calm down a little at work? I will be ready for Jesus once the kids graduate and I finally have a little more free time. This Easter with a calling from Jesus stuff is just too much too soon.
Yes its March 23 and it seems way too early. But guess what? He is here. The tomb is empty and Jesus has just greeted you with a smile and a hug. Are you ready to worship your Lord? Because tomorrow has just arrived. Believe in the good news and tell the world! Don't wait till 2228.