What Code?
There has been a lot of publicity the past couple weeks about the new movie "The Da Vinci Code." I read the book. It was pretty good. But many Christians around the country are offended by the book, apparently threatened by some of its ideas regarding Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail. Sure this work of fiction is a bit far fetched because it insists that truth about Jesus has been hidden and only a select few know the truth but my faith is not threatened by good fiction story. Jesus teaches that "I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness. (John 12:46)" The truth about Jesus is not hidden in the shadows or encoded... Instead it is in the open, light shines upon it, and all are able to know his wonderful gospel.
Be wary of anyone who claims to have special, unique, or privileged knowledge about God. Through God's Word and his Sacraments Jesus comes to us in ways we can hear, see, touch, taste, and smell. He is real. He is in the open. Jesus is light. Bask in the light of Christ and opening embrace the truth we find in him.
Be wary of anyone who claims to have special, unique, or privileged knowledge about God. Through God's Word and his Sacraments Jesus comes to us in ways we can hear, see, touch, taste, and smell. He is real. He is in the open. Jesus is light. Bask in the light of Christ and opening embrace the truth we find in him.